Daily Bulletin

Chariho Regional High School Bulletin for Monday, September 09, 2024



September 11 - Grade 11 & 12 Class Meetings, 1st Block
September 16 - Late busses begin
September 19- Early Release Day-12:45PM
September 25- Gr. 9-11 (white advisory)
September 26- Gr. 9-11 (green advisory)


Attention Students:

The French Club "Juste les Desserts" will hold its very first meeting of the year Wednesday September 18 @ 2:15 in D6 to discuss the clubs plans for the school year. New members welcome! Speaking French is not required .

Attention All Students

"You've probably read the book, now come bring it to life onstage! The CHS Theatre Company will be holding open auditions for THE GIVER on Wednesday, September 11th from 2:30-3:30 in room C1B. Please email Mrs. Burns for materials if you are not yet on the Canvas page."

Attention FFA Members:

The first meeting of the Chariho FFA will be on Wednesday, September 11th in room T4 right after school. Any student enrolled in an agriculture class in the fall semester OR the spring semester is welcome to join us. See Ms. Haberek or Mrs. Pepperd if you have questions.

Attention Students:

The Earth Club will hold its first meeting of the school year on Monday, September 16 immediately after school in D-7. We will be discussing project ideas for the upcoming year as well as the election of Earth Club officers. If you can't make the meeting but are interested in joining Earth Club, please email Mrs. Charpentier. New members are always welcome! Hope to see you there!

Attention Freshman

There will be an after school meeting for any Freshmen interested in joining the Freshmen Class Counsel. This meeting will take place in B2 on Thursday, September 12 at 2:25. This will be a great opportunity for you to get involved. If you can't make it, please see Ms. Masseur or Mr. Cormier.

Attention All Students

The fitness Center will be open all week after school

Attention All Students

Attention any student that did not earn Semester 2 credit from last school year or that has active credit recovery courses, the first credit recovery session is next week. Monday, Tues and Wednesday in C7 until 4pm; late bus passses are available if needed. Please email your counselor or Mrs. Clarke and visit the credit recovery website for more information or if you have questions.


Students interested in joining Chariho's Peer to Peer Club should see Dr. O in A9 by Friday 9/13. The Peer to Peer Club is a student-led group dedicated to raising awareness about mental health issues. Please consider joining as we have several activities planned for the upcoming school year.

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